

上期答案:A 天时不如地利,地利不如人和,出自《孟子·公孙丑下》 孟子说:“适宜作战的天气、时令,比不上有利于作战的地形,有利于作战的地形比不上人们上下团结。” 周围三里的内城,周围七里的外城,包围并且攻打却不能够胜利。如果围攻着打,肯定有得到适宜作战的天气的一方,但那一方却没有胜利,这就是适宜作战的天气比不上有利于作战的地形。 城墙不是不高,护城河不是不深,兵器和盔甲不是不锋利和坚固,粮食也不是不多:但守城的还是弃城而逃了,这就是有利于作战的地形比不上人民上下团结。 所以说:限制百姓定的行动不能单单依靠疆域的界线,巩固国防不能只依靠山河险要,在天下建立威信不能只靠武力的强大。施行仁道的君主得到的帮助就多,不施行仁道的君主得到的帮助就少。帮助少到极点时,内亲外戚都会背叛;帮助多到极点时,全天下的人都会顺从。以全天下人都顺从的...力量去攻打连内亲外戚都会背叛的力量,得道的君子有不战之时,若进行战争,则必定胜利。” Mencius said: "The appropriate operations, weather, seasonal, inferior to help combat the terrain, the terrain is conducive to fighting smaller than unity and people up and down." Around three in the inner city, around seven miles of the outer city, surrounded and attacked not able to win. If the siege of the play, there must be appropriate to combat the weather side, but the party did not win, which is suitable for combat operations weather compare favorable terrain. Wall is not is not high, not deep moat not, weapons and armor are not sharp and not strong, food is not much: but the defenders of, or abandon the city fled, and this is beneficial to compare the topography of the people of the upper and lower operational unity. So: limit the actions people will not rely solely on the boundaries of territory, and consolidating national defense can not just rely on mountains and rivers advantageous, to establish credibility in the world can not rely on a powerful force. Benevolent monarch Road, get help, the more, not benevolent monarch Road, get help on the few. Help less extreme, the pro woman martyr will betray; help more extreme, the entire world's people will obey. All people have to obey the forces to attack pro woman martyr will be betrayed even the power of enlightenment there is no war of gentlemen, if the conduct of war, would certainly win. " 本期问题:我国书法艺术博大精深,请问“欧体”是指谁的字体? A、欧阳修 B、欧阳询 答案敬请期待 欢迎登陆我们的网站学习中文了解中国www.iMandarinPod.com

