* 李克强:推进商业健康保险 深化医改 中国国务院总理(premier)李克强8月27日主持召开国务院常务会议(executive meetings of the State Council),确定加快发展商业健康保险(commercial health insurance),助力医改(health care reform)、提高群众医疗保障水平……
俗语“吃软不吃硬”指的是如果你用强硬的态度去批评一个人,他可能不会接受;而如果你好言相劝,用说道理的方法来劝对方,他可能就接受了。在本期节目中,我们给大家介绍了这个俗语。 The phrase "吃软不吃硬" means can be persuaded by reason but not be cowed by force. In this Podcast, we are introducing this phrase to you.
送饭时把托盘举得跟眉毛一样高。后形容夫妻互相尊敬。用于书面语。案:古时有脚的托盘。 husband and wife treating each other with courtesy; A wife lifts the tray to a level with her eyebrows to show great respect for her husband
* 李克强:化“人口红利”为“人才红利” 国务院总理(Premier)李克强参加“国家杰出青年科学基金”( NationalScience Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars)获得者代表座谈交流会时强调 ,要转变中国过去依靠“人口红利”(Demographic Dividend)的发展模式,充分释放“人才红利”(Talents Dividend)……
长沙是湖南省省会城市,是华中地区重要的城市,拥有3000年悠久的历史文化。在本期的节目中,我们会给大家介绍长沙这座城市。 Changsha is the capital city of hunan province. It is an important city in central China. Changsha has 3000 years history. In this Podcast, we are introducing Changsha to you.
* 中央举行纪念邓小平诞辰周年座谈会 习近平讲话 中共中央(Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party)20日上午在人民大会堂(Great Hall of the People)举行座谈会,纪念邓小平同志(comrade Deng Xiaoping)诞辰110周年。习近平(Xi Jinping)发表重要讲话……
琳达的表哥拥有一个幸福的家庭,太太和两个孩子。他们现在在上海生活。在8月21日的节目中,我们为大家带来“幸福的一家人”。 Linda's cousin has a happy family, wife and two children. They are living in Shanghai now. On August 21, we are bringing you "happy family".
Have you ever seen the Chinese style furniture? The Chinese style furniture are primitive simplicity and elegance. On August 19, we are introducing Chinese style furniture to you.