青岛位于山东省东部,是一座典型的沿海城市。青岛是著名的避暑胜地,还因为名牌企业众多,被称为“中国品牌之都”。在本期的节目中,我们将给大家介绍青岛这座城市。 Qingdao is a beautiful seaside city, is located in the east part of Shangdong Province. Qingdao is noted for its summer resort and have a lot of brand-name enterprises. In this podcast, we are introducing the city of Qingdao.
* 习近平会见马来西亚国会下议院议长 国家主席习近平(Xi Jinping)24号在人民大会堂(the Great Hall of the People)会见马来西亚国会下议院(Malaysia, the house of Commons)议长潘迪卡尔。习近平说,中国政府高度重视发展同马来西亚的友好关系……
* 美调查:中国制造实际成本接近美国 美国Newsday网站近日报道,美国波士顿咨询公司(The Boston Consulting Group)近期对25个国家和地区的调查显示,“中国制造”的廉价“王位”已遭“罢黜”。该公司合伙人瑟金称,中国的实际生产成本“已接近美国”……
鲁班发明了亭子以后,还希望发明更好的工具帮助人们遮阳挡雨,于是,他发明了伞。在本期的节目中,我们将继续给大家介绍鲁班和伞的故事。 LuBan invented the pavilion, and he also want to invent some better tool to help people keep out rain. So he invented the umbrella. In this podcast, we will continue to introduce the story of LuBan and umbrella.
形容非常恐惧或非常害怕。现也形容出汗很多,背上的衣服都湿透了。浃:湿透。汗流得满背都是。 The sweat broke out all over one's body and trickled down his back.; all of a sweat; Flowing sweat soaks through the back (because of fright, or shame).; One's whole body was dripping with sweat.
听新闻学汉语:今日话题 * 丝绸之路、大运河列入世界遗产名录 6月22号,在卡塔尔多哈(Doha,Qatar)召开的第三十八届世界遗产大会上,“丝绸之路”(the Silk Road)、“大运河”(the Grand Canal)被正式列入世界遗产名录。目前,联合国(UN)世界遗产项目已达1000个……
* 普京建议乌在停火基础上开启各方对话 俄罗斯(Russia)总统普京(Putin)22号说,目前在调解乌克兰(Ukraine)局势时重要的是在停火的基础上开启各方对话。2...2号是俄罗斯卫国战争(the Soviet Union's Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany)爆发73周年“纪念和哀悼日”……
The umbrella is essential commodity in our daily life. According to legend, the umbrella was invented by Chinese famous craftsman LuBan. In this Podcast, we are bringing "LuBan and umbrella".
世界杯足球赛正在巴西举行,你看比赛了吗?你最喜欢哪支球队?你觉得哪支球队会赢得冠军?在今天的节目中,我们为大家带来“世界杯”。 The World Cup is holding in Brazil. Did you watch the World Cup football match? Which team do you support? Today, we are bringing you "World Cup".
豆腐是中国的一种传统食物,受到中国人的喜爱。豆腐不仅有好的口感,还有丰富的营养。那么,豆腐最初是怎么被制作出来的呢?在本期的节目中,我们为大家带来“豆腐的来历”。 Tofu is a kind of traditional food in China. It is very popular in China. Tofu is not only have good taste and have rich nutrition. In this Podcast, we are bringing you "the origin of tofu".